Well hello there, Emma here and its most definitely long time no see. For that I do apologise and I hope that you hadn't given up on me. Are you still out there TLBGreeners?
OK straight to it....the BIG FAT apology goes out to Rachel my TLBG buddy. I'd taken a little bit of a back seat for quite a few months, well it was more like I was sitting in the boot rather than the back seat!! But Rachel has been doing a super job at keeping TLBG going and for that I am eternally grateful to her. You are a star Rach!!! Big Hugs!!
The last time I contributed to a post was way back on 5th January (how shameful is that!!) and thought it was about time I made an appearance. I have to admit, well confess really, that being greener has not been on my list of priorities with too many work commitments etc.
OK straight to it....the BIG FAT apology goes out to Rachel my TLBG buddy. I'd taken a little bit of a back seat for quite a few months, well it was more like I was sitting in the boot rather than the back seat!! But Rachel has been doing a super job at keeping TLBG going and for that I am eternally grateful to her. You are a star Rach!!! Big Hugs!!
The last time I contributed to a post was way back on 5th January (how shameful is that!!) and thought it was about time I made an appearance. I have to admit, well confess really, that being greener has not been on my list of priorities with too many work commitments etc.
After seeing a segment on the news I jumped at the chance to take part in earth hour, so on 27th March at 8:30pm off went all the lights and we even turned the TV off and sat and chatted for an hour. It wasn't until the next morning that I saw just how many people had taken part. All together there were 88 countries who participated and some of the most famous sights of the world turned off their lights!! Pop over to the official site to take a peek. If you're not from the UK you can select your country, by clicking on earth hour global. Some of the photos are quite spectacular.
Did you take part?
So before I pop off to finish one of my crafty projects, if you have any topics that you would like us to cover (come on guys I need a rocket up my backside) please feel free to send us your ideas/topics.
And I think you'll agree in saying that Rachel is the best TLBG buddy I could ever ask for (have a grovelled enough yet Rach?) :D
See you real soon, Emma xxx