Fabric wreath from Home Sweet Sewn by Alice Butcher & Ginny Farquhar

Felt and fabric decorations from A Greener Christmas by Shererazade Goldsmith

Simple, natural wreath idea from Country Living magazine

Festive garland from Green Parent magazine

Vanilla heart biscuits from Ideal Home Complete Guide to Christmas

Paper decorations (above and below) again, from Ideal Home Complete Guide to Christmas

I do love these paper decorations, but they would, of course, be much greener if you used recycled or repurposed papers - I'm thinking old magazines, maps, pages from thrifted books etc.
On the internet, here are just some of the links I've found for some fabulous tutorials:-
Edit: The link for this first one didn't seem to be working - it took me to a real estate site! - but there are some great ideas there so here's the actual address:
Domestic Diva
Sew Mama Sew
The Long Thread
For advent calender ideas:
30 Handmade Days
And for kids crafts:
The Crafty Crow
I haven't gotten round to making any decorations just yet, but I certainly plan to, and will come back and post pics once I do.
Finally, a word about lights. Everyone loves Christmas fairy lights, they make everything look so magical, but did you know that conventional fairy lights waste 90 per cent of the energy they use as heat? - only 10 percent is turned into light. According to A Greener Christmas, "if you leave a set of conventional Christmas tree lights on in your home for ten hours a day over the 12 days of Christmas, you'll produce enough carbon dioxide to inflate 64 party balloons." If you need to buy new lights, choose LED lights, as they use 80 percent less energy, last longer and stay cooler than traditional bulbs. I am certainly going to make sure that our fairy lights are not left on all the time this year.
So, I hope this has given you some inspiration and that you'll all have fun making lots of different decorations. Please do drop us a line and let us know if you post on your blogs.
'Til next time, take care!
Rachel x