Happy New Year! Rachel here. We really hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones and are now looking forward to what the new year will bring. Both Emma and I have had a lovely break and are now trying to get back into our everyday routines! During our break, we've been thinking about That Little Bit Greener and how we can take it forward into this new year - we are both really keen to continue to try and make the world a better place and we really want to make this blog a useful resource for others who also want to make changes. So, although this may sound counter-productive, we've decided that from now on we will be committing to posting once a month instead of every other week. Also, instead of picking a topic for discussion each time, we are going to mix things up a little bit and bring a mixture of things - useful links, news, tips, tutorials, In The Spotlight features, recipes, book reviews - in fact anything that we think is of interest and on subject. Some months there may well be several posts, but we're going to be aiming for quality, not quantity! We shall still occassionally offer up topics for discussion and we still want you guys to be involved in this blog too. We really, really appreciate all the support you've given us in this venture - in fact I would go so far as to say we are relying on you to help us spread the word! In the near future, we hope to be running our first giveaway, as a small way to say thanks for all your support, so keep an eye out for that too.
In the meantime, have you all recycled Christmas? After taking down all our Christmas cards, I reused many of ours by cutting out shapes with pinking shears to be used as gift tags next year. In fact, if I do this every year I don't think I shall ever need to buy gift tags again! All the other left-over cards have also been recycled - most supermarkets have special bins for Christmas cards, also WH Smiths and M&S, so there's no excuse!
(Emma here) That is such a fantastic idea Rachel, I'm off to get my cards and pinking shears now!! I will post some photos of my efforts....we hope that you also tried to recycle as much of your wrapping paper as possible. As not all wrapping paper can be recycled I did try not to buy any foil based wrapping. So the majority could go in the normal recycling bin, good pieces of the foil paper I gave to a friend who makes greetings cards so hopefully next Christmas it will get a new lease of life. We also kept all the gift bags so that they can be reused next year, this is where some of the recycled tags will come in handy. Dont forget to check out where in your local area you can take your tree to be recycled, some schemes are allowing you to dedicate a tree by taking in your used Christmas tree. Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove. Pines, firs and other evergreens have a high content of flammable turpentine oils. Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and risk a chimney fire.
We would love to hear any tips and tricks for Christmas recycling you have, even if its a great recipe for Turkey curry, it'll always come in handy for next year ;) so don't forget to post a comment below so that we can all share. And if you would like to become a member its easy, either send us an email or say hello in a comment that you would like to join and we will add you to our list, there's no commitment when you join, we just want to pass on the word and get more people in our little community together.
On that note, may we both wish you all a very happy, healthy and green New Year!
Rachel & Emma xx
Hi Emma and Rachel
I think its a good idea to mix up the themes for the blog posts rather than having just the one theme to focus on - certainly much easier for you!!
Like you, I've been cutting up our cards to use next year and the others will go to the Sainsburys recycling bin. Our Christmas tree should be collected by the council for composting next week (covered in snow in the garden at the moment!).
Good luck with TLBG in 2010 !
Denise x
Happy New Year to you both!
we have just removed the tree from our lounge tonight ... it is now spineless... the needles all dropped off this year... thanks for the info on not burning them on the fire though as i had thought that would be a good idea if we had an open fire... but chimney fire not so good!
looking forward to reading and joining in with TLBG this year again as and when i can,
warmest wishes
ginny x
thank you for all your great ideas so far. I also make tags out of the cards and we had very little paper to recycle this year since I made cloth bags and furoshiki for all our gifts. My aim is that next Xmas I will give all my gifts in cloth bags.
a great recipe I had this year, from my good friend Mel. She throws all the left over veg and turkey into a cheese sauce, pop it in a casarole dish, top with stuffing and pop into the oven until browned and heated through, believe me, it is SO GOOD!
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